Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How the orange juice is made

            Orange is a very healthy juice full of vitamin C. The juice in the market is different from that you make in your home. I’m going to describe how orange juice is made.

            Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from the trucks. Then it’s graded, washed, and sized. After that the fruit is sent to the juice extractor and the waste is sent to animal feed. The juice is sent to the evaporator at high temperature for a short time. Next, the juice is concentrated and refrigerated. Thereafter, the juice is sent to the canning machine. Then, it goes to the ships. After that it comes to the juice factory and the water is added to the concentrate. That’s where the juice in the market comes from.

            In conclusion, the steps are very easy. However, it is a long process and it takes time to do it.

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