Monday, January 3, 2011

changing a tire

Getting a flat tyre is inconvenient, whether it happens in town or in a remote location. It’s important to know how to change a tyre, especially if there is no garage nearby to help out.
This is what must be done. First, the wheelnuts must be loosened. This should be done before the car is raised, using the jack. Next, the car is jacked up. Then the nuts are removed. After that the wheel is removed and the spare tyre is put on. Then the nuts are tightened and the car is lowered. The nuts are tightened one last time for safety. Finally the tools are tidied away. You are now ready to drive on.
As you can see, changing a tyre is a very simple and straightforward process, but you must follow the above steps in the correct order, particularly the first step of loosening the wheelnuts before you raise the vehicle.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mr. Hedley's trip to the Niah Caves

Thirty years ago, Mr. Hedley with his wife and his daughter went from Brunei to Sarawak which is in the East of Malaysia. They traveled by his Nissan-Dotson. However in some places they had to use a ferry, and a small boat.

             They started the trip at 9:00 am in the morning, and they arrived there in the early evening. They had to stop in the government rest house and spent the night there. In the government house they shared the cold drinks they had bought with a group of scientists who lived there and who studied the jungle’s life. Unfortunately they had to sleep without an AC. The next morning they walked along the jungle path for half an hour until they reached the Niah caves. They saw inside the cave a group of men who wore lights on their hats and climbed up to the top of bamboo poles. At the top of the poles they scraped off bird’s nests and the men down in the cave packed the nests into sacks. They always do this and sell it for the Chinese to make bird’s nest soup.

            They went back to Brunei in the afternoon. This was quite an adventure and one they would never forget, Mr. Hedley said.

Monday, December 13, 2010

2- bank statement
15- metal
17- outdoor activities
21- politics
24- Teach South
25- rural co-operative
00- mechanical
30- applications

Monday, December 6, 2010

the indoor sky diving

                Last weekend before the national Day I was sitting at home doing nothing. I felt bored, so I decided to take my niece and go sky diving in Abu Dhabi Country Club.

                It was in the afternoon so we had our lunch and then we left home at 1:25 p.m. We arrived there at 1:45 p.m. Unfortunately the class had already started. However, I had to book for a class at 3:00 p.m. I decided to wash my car so I went down to ADNOC station and there were a few cars waiting. I thought I’ll make it through, but I didn’t. We reached the club at 3:15 and the class had started again . they told us that the class wouldn’t take much time, and we just had to waer the sky diving clothes. After a few minutes they let us in. First they taught us how to dive, and then we started it.

                All in all, the sky diving was fun, and I’m so enthusiastic to do it again. However, next time I’ll do the outdoor sky diving.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How the orange juice is made

            Orange is a very healthy juice full of vitamin C. The juice in the market is different from that you make in your home. I’m going to describe how orange juice is made.

            Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from the trucks. Then it’s graded, washed, and sized. After that the fruit is sent to the juice extractor and the waste is sent to animal feed. The juice is sent to the evaporator at high temperature for a short time. Next, the juice is concentrated and refrigerated. Thereafter, the juice is sent to the canning machine. Then, it goes to the ships. After that it comes to the juice factory and the water is added to the concentrate. That’s where the juice in the market comes from.

            In conclusion, the steps are very easy. However, it is a long process and it takes time to do it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Reflection 2

I’m going to tell you how to write a compare and contrast essay between two things. As our teacher Mr. Hedley taught us, we have to write four paragraphs. However, you can write three paragraphs if you are trying to be different from others. The first paragraph as usual is the introduction, and it has to be between 30-40 words and try to make it strong. The second paragraph is the body. However if you want to follow the rules, it would be the second and the third paragraphs, and it’s about 150 words. First you have to write the similarities, and if you are going to write four paragraphs, the third paragraph would be the differences between them. The final paragraph is the conclusion where you have to rewrite the ideas and what you prefer. You don’t have to decide on one of them if you don’t like either of them; it’s just to see which is better in your opinion. It’s usually about 35 words with a total of 200 words.    


1) motoring = g-driving 
2) giant = c-colossus
3) concerned = e-worried
4) branch out = a-diversify
5) extension = d-addition
6) plans = h-strategy
7) solve = f-answer
8) prevent = j-stop
9) fundamentally = b-basically
10) unfortunate = i-regrettable